Juggling the Hat Between Academics and Extracurriculars in a Girls’ College

Juggling Academics and Extracurricular Activities

College life works as a catalyst. Those 3- 4 years transform students and shape their future through a vast array of academic and co-curricular opportunities.

However, one of the major challenges that students face in their college life is that no one tells them what to do! Fresh out of the disciplinarian walls of the school, a majority of students get carried away in this leniency and struggle to find a direction and purpose afterward.

The trick here is to strike the perfect balance between academics and extracurriculars to make the most out of the best women’s college in Kolkata. This is how a student can attain a well-rounded experience, discover their passions, and nurture their potential to the fullest.

Balancing Is The Key!

Academic excellence must undoubtedly be the fundamental goal in college. It builds a strong foundation for your future, and can also fetch an array of opportunities at the most eminent institutions. It is also helpful to develop critical thinking and effective communication skills.

But, that’s not all!

If you are looking for an all-rounded experience, you also need to participate in co-curricular activities like sports, clubs, volunteering, etc. Extracurriculars is the place where students get to explore their interests, or hobbies, and also develop new skillsets. Most importantly, extracurriculars pave the way to establishing social networks and gaining real-life experiences.

While both of these areas are necessary to develop skills and encourage personal growth, it’s also important to maintain a balance between the two. Why? Because neglecting either one can hinder your growth, and cause a lack of self-confidence.

So, if you’ve enrolled in one of the eminent girls’ colleges in Kolkata, like Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan Girls’ College, remember that strong academics along with great performance in the co-curriculum activities is what helps you have the edge over the others in this competitive market.

Academics & Extracurriculars- Best Tips to Find the Perfect Balance

1. Assess the priorities

The first step is to assess and set your priorities straight. So, think of your long-term career aspirations, and interests, along with your strengths and weaknesses. This should help you understand what your priority is, and how much time or energy you need to allocate in your chosen academic or extracurricular fields.

2. Set clear and definite goals

Now that you have your priorities straight, the next step is to set clear and definite goals. For instance in academics, it might be to get the best grades and develop yourself in the subjects that you aren’t the most confident with.

The goals for extracurriculars are a little different. It might be developing your performance in your favourite sport, earning a certain position in the college club, or contributing to some community service projects.

3. Learn effective time management

Time management is one of the most essential skills that you need to hone to strike the perfect balance between academics and extracurriculars. It’s a vital skill that teaches you to juggle between your commitments and get each task done optimally.

For instance, create a well-structured schedule for your day, and allow plenty of study time before incorporating extra-curricular activities. This strategy will help you maintain everything without hampering your academics!

4. Seek guidance when necessary

It’s very obvious that a student from a popular women’s degree college in Kolkata will face a hard time juggling between academics and extracurriculars. And that’s the reason why you MUST seek guidance and support from your mentors, teachers, or guidance counsellors.

These individuals are trained professionals who are dealing with you in proximity. Therefore, they can understand your tendencies and can help with valuable advice, strategies, or suggestions to get you through your issues.

Not only that, but the faculties of every UGC-affiliated women’s college can also help you with the necessary resources that can be beneficial for your academic as well as personal growth.

5. Choose your extracurriculars wisely

Extracurriculars are indeed fun activities and help shape your personality. However, you don’t need to participate in every single curriculum to prove your worth! That would just result in a waste of time and also might hamper your academics significantly.

Hence, while picking extracurriculars, it’s best to choose not more than two to three activities at once. This will allow you to focus on what you’re truly interested in, and can also help you achieve the leadership position in that particular sport or activity.

To Conclude

Trying to find the balance between academics and extracurriculars in college is a challenge that gives you a taste of the real world! The more effectively you learn to handle this, the more will you experience personal growth! So, along with the best professional courses after graduation, try to get involved in co-curricular activities to enhance your resume, and make your candidature more attractive for future employers.

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About the Author: admin

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